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Inevitable Illusions
by M. Piatelli-Palmarini
16.95 pb/ HBS $13.56

"This explores the intriguing realm of conscious illusions and the mental madness we unknowingly put ourselves through. Perhaps after finishing this book, you may reconsider the notion that you are, in fact, a rational being!" -- KS

The Last Samurai
by Helen Dewitt
24.95 / HBS $19.96

"How to say why this book is worth every cent and every second you might spend on it? It is hekatontal-leveled, suffused with the fascination of language, of living, of looking long and hard and wittily for who and what matters. The Last Samurai is a delicious, satisfying, nourishing read." -- MR

Rites of Spring
by Modris Eksteins
15.00 pb/ HBS $12.00

"Did Nijinsky and Stravinsky start the First World War? Well, no. But, Modris Eksteins argues, many of the desires beneath his innovations in music and dance also underlay the peculiar German formulation of modernism. In Eksteins' brilliant analysis, primal forces of renewal were called on to break with the staid past. Art's embrace and glorification of ritual death came to inform the experience of the Great War, then the greater culture and politics. While Nijinsky danced, Hitler waited in the wings." -- ML

Till We Have Faces
by C.S. Lewis
13.00 pb/ HBS $10.40

"The god of love, his beautiful bride, her jealous half-sisters. All right, so I was skeptical of Lewis's ability to write a satisfying story from a woman's point of view. But this is an amazing book -- blending classical myth, native religion, and Christian philosophy --about the natures of human love, that will inspire readers of all beliefs." -- MC

Underground Life
by Gad Beck
16.95 pb/ HBS $13.56

"Holocaust memoirs almost always take place in the concentration camps. Rarely have I read about what life was like underground in Germany. Gad Beck's story is fascinating, terrifying, and brave. Most importantly, his story is human. He writes about his struggle with coming of age as a gay man as well as his daily struggle to stay alive." -- NB

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