FC 56 |
| Buber | Tales of the Hasidim | Judaica |
| Dawidowicz | Golden Tradition | Judaica |
| Fishbane | Judaism | Judaica |
| Hertzberg | Zionist Idea | Judaica |
| Hundert | Essential Papers on Hasidism | Judaica |
| Weinreich | Yiddish Folktales | Judaica |
FC 60 |
| Tai | Country of Memory | Asia/Pacific |
FC 68 |
| Owen | Anthology of Chinese Literature | Asia, Pacific |
| Cao | Story of the Stone | Fiction |
FC 74 |
| Carter | States of Grace | Islam |
| Cole | Women of the Praia | Anthropology |
| Cowan | Dance & the Body Politic in Northern Greece | Theatre/Dance/Film |
| Herzfeld | Portrait of a Greek Imagination | Anthropology |
| Mintz | Carnival Song and Society | Anthropology |
HS A-12 |
| Ignatieff | Virtual War | Politics |
| Keck | Activists Beyond Borders | Politics |
| Kissinger | Diplomacy | Politics |
| Lairson | International Political Economy | Economics |
| Rodrik | Has Globalization Gone Too Far? | Economics |
HS A-14 |
| Duus | Rise of Modern Japan | Asia/Pacific |
| Katsu | Musui's Story | Asia/Pacific |
| Natsume | Kokoro | Fiction |
| Mason & Caiger | A History of Japan | Asia/Pacific |
HS A-35 |
| Tocqueville | Democracy in America | U.S. History |
| Fanon | The Wretched of the Earth | Mid-East/Africa |
| Hamilton | Federalist Papers (Bantam) | Legal Issues |
| Locke | Second Treatise of Government (Hackett) | Philosophy |
| Marx | Karl Marx: Selected Writings (ed. McLellan) | Philosophy |
| Mill | On Liberty with the Subjection of Women (Cambridge) | Philosophy |
| Mills | The Racial Contract | African-American Studies |
| More | Utopia (Dover) | Philosophy |
| Nietzsche | Beyond Good and Evil | Philosophy |
| Rousseau | Social Contract | Philosophy |
| Thoreau | Civil Disobedience | Essays |
HS A-40 |
| McEvedy | New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History | World History |
| Montesquieu | Persian Letters (ed. Healy) | Philosophy |
HS A-74 |
| Buruma | Bad Elements | Asia/Pacific |
| Daiyun | To the Storm | Asia/Pacific |
| Edmonds | Taiwan in the 20th Century (in store only) | Asia/Pacific |
| Fairbank | China: A New History | Asia/Pacific |
| Van Kemenade | China, Hong Kong, Taiwan Inc. | Asia/Pacific |
| Zha | China Pop | Asia/Pacific |
HS A-81 |
| Daniels | Asian America | Asia/Pacific |
| Hsu | Dreaming of Gold, Dreaming of Home | Asia/Pacific |
| Kwong | Forbidden Workers | Asia/Pacific |
| Liu | Accidental Asian | Biography |
| McKeown | Chinese Migrant Networks | Asia/Pacific |
| Naquin | Chinese Society in the 18th Century | Asia/Pacific |
| Pan | Sons of the Yellow Emperor | Asia/Pacific |
| Portes | Immigrant America | Sociology |
| See | On Gold Mountain | Biography |
| Tu | Living Tree | Asia/Pacific |
| Tushnet | The Warren Court in Historical and Political Perspective | Legal Issues |
| Zhou | Chinatown | Asia/Pacific |
HS B-40 |
| Foster | The Coquette | Fiction |
| Franklin | Autobiography of Ben Franklin | U.S. History |
| Rowson | Slaves in Algiers | Fiction |
| Royster | Revolutionary People at War | U.S. History |
| Ulrich | Midwife's Tale | Women's Studies |
| Young | The Shoemaker and the Tea Party | U.S. History |
HS B-42 |
| Donald | Why the North Won the Civil War | U.S. History |
| Escott | After Secession | U.S. History |
| Neely | Last Best Hope on Earth | U.S. History |
| Mohr | On the Threshold of Freedom | U.S. History |
| Russell | My Diary North and South | U.S. History |
| Stone | Brokenburn: The Journal of Kate Stone (ed. Anderson) | U.S. History |
| Watkins | Company Aytch | U.S. History |
HS B-57 |
| Achebe | Things Fall Apart | Fiction |
| Burke | On Empire, Liberty, and Reform | Philosophy |
| Gandhi | Gandhi: An Autobiography | Asia/Pacific |
| Kenyatta | Facing Mt. Kenya | Mid-East/ Africa |
| Kureishi | My Son the Fanatic | Fiction |
| Marshall | Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire | World History |
| Orwell | Burmese Days | Fiction |
| Prince | History of Mary Prince | Afro-American Studies |
| Schneer | London 1900 | European History |
HS B-61 |
| Horwitz | The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice | Legal Issues |
| Kluger | Simple Justice | African-American Studies |
| Powe | The Warren Court and American Politics | Legal Issues |
| Tushnet | The Warren Court in Historical and Political Perspective | Legal Issues |
LA A-18 |
| Baum | The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Harper) | Children's |
| Bronte | Jane Eyre (Penguin) | Fiction |
| Carroll | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Fiction |
| Carter | The Bloody Chamber | Fiction |
| Dahl | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Children's |
| Dahl | George's Marvelous Medicine | Children's |
| Golding | Lord of the Flies | Fiction |
| Ibsen | Four Major Plays | Drama |
| Lowry | Number the Stars | Children's |
| King | The Shining | Science Fiction |
| March | The Bad Seed | Fiction |
| Nabokov | Lolita | Fiction |
| Sexton | Transformations | Poetry |
| Tatar | Classic Fairy Tales | Myths/Tales/Sagas |
LA A-48 |
| Aleichem | Tevye the Dairyman | Fiction |
| Babel | The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel | Fiction |
| Bellow | Mr. Sammler's Planet | Fiction |
| Kafka | The Trial | Fiction |
| Levi | Survival in Auschwitz | Judaica |
| Levitt | Transnational Villagers | Race & Urban Studies |
| Ozick | Cannibal Galaxy | Fiction |
| Singer | Satan in Goray | Fiction |
LA A-70 |
| Aeschylus | Prometheus Bound | Drama |
| Janzen | Job | Western Relgion |
| Kafka | The Trial | Fiction |
| Kierkegaard | Fear and Trembling | Philosophy |
| MacLeish | J.B. | Drama |
LA A-72 |
| Blake | Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Oxford) | Poetry |
| Blake | Songs of Innocence and Experience (Oxford) | Poetry |
| Boswell | Boswell's London Journal | European History |
| Diderot | Jacques the Fatalist | Fiction |
| Diderot | Rameau's Nephew and d'Alembert's Dream | Fiction |
| Franklin | Autobiography and Other Writings (Penguin) | U.S. History |
| Laclos | Les Liasons Dangereuses | Fiction |
| Lafayette | Princesse de Cleves | Fiction |
| Rousseau | Confessions | Philosophy |
| Rousseau | Discourse on Inequality (Penguin) | Philosophy |
| Rousseau | Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Penguin) | Philosophy |
| Voltaire | Candide and Other Stories | Fiction |
LA A-76 |
| Kawabata | Sound of the Mountain | Fiction |
| Keene | Chushingura | Asia/Pacific |
| Murakami | Wild Sheep Chase | Fiction |
| Natsume | And Then | Fiction |
| Shikibu | The Tale of Genji (Tyler trans) | New Fiction |
| Tyler | Japanese No Dramas | Drama |
| Varley | Japanese Culture | Asia/Pacific |
LA A-80 |
| Basho | Narrow Road to Deep North | Travel Writing |
| Bible | Holy Bible (Zondervan) | Western Religion |
| Bunyan | Pilgrim's Progress | Fiction |
| Calvino | Invisible Cities | Fiction |
| Conze | Buddhist Scriptures | Eastern Religion |
| Endo | Deep River | Fiction |
| Frazier | Cold Mountain | Fiction |
| Hesse | Siddhartha | Fiction |
| Kovacs | Epic of Gilgamesh | Myths, Tales, Sagas |
| Virgil | Aeneid of Virgil (Mandelbaum trans) | Classical Studies |
LA B-35 |
| Necipoglu | Architecture, Ceremonial and Power | Architecture |
LA B-65 |
| Schorske | Fin de Siecle Vienna | European History |
| Schoenberg | Verklarte Nacht & Pierrot Lunaire (oversize) | Music |
| Randel | New Harvard Dictionary of Music (oversize) | Music |
LA B-80 |
| Count Basie | Good Morning Blues | Music |
| Schuller | Early Jazz | Music |
| Schuller | Swing Era: The Development of Jazz | Music |
| Shapiro | Hear Me Talkin' to Ya | Music |
| Stewart | Jazz Masters of the 30s | Music |
LA C-18 |
| Buck | Ramayana | Eastern Religion |
| Dimmitt | Hindu Mythology | Eastern Religion |
| Eck | Banaras: City of Light | Eastern Religion |
| Eck | Darsan | Eastern Religion |
| Flood | Introduction to Hinduism | Eastern Religion |
| Haberman | Journey Through the Twelve Forests | Eastern Religion |
| Kinsley | Hindu Goddesses | Eastern Religion |
| Michell | Hindu Temple | Eastern Religion |
| Miller | Love Song of the Dark Lord | Poetry |
| Mokashi | Palkhi: Indian Pilgrimage | Eastern Religion |
| Zimmer | Myths and Symbols in Indian Art | Myths/Tales/Sagas |
LA C-20 |
| Gantz | Early Irish Myths and Sagas | Myths/Tales/Sagas |
| Rees | Celtic Heritage | European History |
LA C-25 |
| Bevington | Medieval Drama | Drama |
| Shakespeare | Midsummer Night's Dream (Washington Square) | Drama |
| Wright | Plays of Anti-Christ (in store only) | Drama |
LA C-40 |
| Chu | Learning to be a Sage | Asia/Pacific |
| Ebrey | Cambridge Illustrated History of China | Asia/Pacific |
LA C-51 |
| Bely | Petersburg | Fiction |
| Gray | Russian Experiment in Art | Art |
| Ivanov | Correspondence Across a Room | Cultural Criticism |
| Kandinsky | Kandinsky: Complete Writings on Art | Art |
| Khlebnikov | King of Time | European History |
| Platonov | The Foundation Pit | Fiction |
| Zamyatin | We | Fiction |
LA C-61 |
| Le Glay | History of Rome | Classical Studies |
| Ovid | Metamorphoses (Indiana) | Classical Studies |
| Syme | Roman Revolution | Classical Studies |
| Virgil | Eclogues (Penguin) | Classical Studies |
| Zanker | Pompeii: Public and Private Life | Classical Studies |
LA C-69 |
| Deiss | Herculaneum | Classical Studies |
| Howatson | Concise Oxford Companion to Classical Literature | Classical Studies |
| Petronius | Satyricon (Penguin) | Classical Studies |
| Virgil | Aeneid of Virgil (Fitzgerald trans) | Classical Studies |
| Wallace-Hadrill | Houses and Society in Pompeii | Classical Studies |
| Zanker | Pompeii: Public and Private Life | Classical Studies |
MR 17 |
| Aristophanes | Assembly of Women | Classical Studies |
| Hobbes | Leviathan | Philosophy |
| Plato | Republic of Plato (Harp) | Philosophy |
| Platonov | The Foundation Pit | Fiction |
| Tocqueville | Democracy in America | U.S. History |
MR 50 |
| Aristotle | Aristotle's Politics (Reeve trans) | Philosophy |
| Arendt | The Human Condition | Philosophy |
| Augustine | City of God | Western Religion |
| Hobbes | Leviathan | Philosophy |
| Locke | Two Treatises on Government | Philosophy |
| Mill | On Liberty and Other Writings | Philosophy |
| Rousseau | Basic Political Writings | Philosophy |
| West | Four Texts on Socrates | Philosophy |
MR 56 |
| Cooper | Existentialism | Philosophy |
| Dostoyevsky | Notes from the Underground | Fiction |
| Kant | Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals | Philosophy |
| Sartre | Being and Nothingness | Philosophy |
| Sartre | Nausea | Fiction |
| Watson | Free Will | Philosophy |
MR 60 |
| Hobbes | Leviathan | Philosophy |
| Kant | Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals | Philosophy |
| Mill | Utilitarianism and Other Essays (Penguin) | Philosophy |
| Nietzsche | Beyond Good and Evil | Philosophy |
| Nietzsche | On the Genealogy of Morality (Hackett) | Philosophy |
MR 68 |
| Coetzee | Disgrace | Fiction |
| Goethe | The Sorrows of Young Werther | Fiction |
| Kerouac | On the Road | Fiction |
| Shakespeare | The Merchant of Venice (Dover) | Drama |
MR 70 |
| Aristotle | Aristotle's Politics (Reeve trans) | Philosophy |
| Aristotle | Nichomachean Ethics | Philosophy |
| de Tocqueville | Democracy in America | U.S. History |
| Dworkin | Taking Rights Seriously | Legal Issues |
| Glendon | Rights Talk | Politics |
| Hobbes | Leviathan | Philosophy |
| Kant | Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals | Philosophy |
| Kant | Perpetual Peace and Other Essays | Philosophy |
| Kymlicka | Rights of Minority Cultures | Politics |
| Locke | Two Treatises on Government | Philosophy |
| Mill | On Liberty and Other Writings | Philosophy |
| Shklar | American Citizenship | Politics |
| Waldron | Theories of Rights | Legal Issues |
QR 26 |
| Hammond | Smart Choices | Business |
| Resnik | Choices: An Introduction to Decision Theory | Philosophy |
QR 38 |
| Dixit | Games of Strategy | Politics |
| de Mesquita | Principles of International Politics | Politics |
| Schellings | Strategy of Conflict | Politics |
SA 28 |
| Barker | Regeneration | Fiction |
| Farmer | Infections and Inequalities | Sociology |
| Gourevitch | We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow... | Mid-East/Africa |
| Kleinman | Illness Narratives | Psychology |
| Rapp | Testing Women, Testing the Fetus | Biology |
SA 54 |
| Blankenhorn | Fatherless America | Sociology |
| Coontz | The Way We Really Are | Sociology |
| Ehrenreich | Nickel and Dimed | Politics |
| Hewlett | The War Against Parents | Sociology |
| Hochschild | Time Bind | Sociology |
| Putnam | Bowling Alone | Sociology |
| Skocpol | Civic Engagement in American Democracy | Politics |
| Skocpol | Social Policy in the United States | Politics |
| Starr | Social Transformation of American Medicine | Sociology |
| Waters | Black Identities | Race & Urban Studies |
SA 58 |
| Verba | Voice and Equality | Politics |
SA 68 |
| Anderson | Streetwise | Race & Urban Studies |
| Clark | Dark Ghetto | Sociology |
| Jargowsky | Poverty and Place | Politics |
| Massey | American Apartheid | Afro-American Studies |
| Osofsky | Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto | African-American Studies |
| Rieder | Canarsie | Race & Urban Studies |
| Wilson | The Declining Significance of Race | Sociology |
| Wilson | The Truly Disadvantaged | African-American Studies |
| Wilson | When Work Disappears | Race & Urban Studies |
SC A-24 |
| Allegre | Behavior of the Earth | Science |
| Davis | Exploring Earth | Science |
SC A-35 |
| Friedman | Astronomer's Universe | Astronomy |
SC A-49 |
| Rossing | The Science of Sound | Science |
SC B-16 |
| Darwin | On the Origin of Species | Biology |
SC B-23 |
| Vander | Human Physiology | Science |
SC B-29 |
| Cartwright | Evolution and Human Behavior | Biology |
| Dawkins | The Blind Watchmaker | Biology |
| Hauser | Wild Minds | Biology |
| Shostak | Nisa | Anthropology |
| Wrangham | Demonic Males | Biology |
SC B-40 |
| Thomas | Trees: Their Natural History | Nature |
AFAM 125 |
| Harris | Racism: Key Concepts in Critical Theory | Race & Urban Studies |
| Solomos | Theories of Race and Racism | Race & Urban Studies |
ANTHRO 105 |
| Counihan | Food and Culture: A Reader | Food |
| Harris | Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture | Food |
| Mintz | Sweetness and Power | Food |
| Watson | Golden Arches East | Food |
ANTHRO 263 |
| Appadurai | Modernity at Large | Cultural Criticism |
| LaFeber | Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism | Economics |
| Levitt | Transnational Villagers | Race & Urban Studies |
| Miller | Capitalism: An Ethnographic Approach | Anthropology |
| Ong | Flexible Citizenship | Politics |
| Piot | Remotely Global Village | Mid-East/ Africa |
| Taylor | Global Pop | Sociology |
| Tomlinson | Globalization and Culture | Sociology |
| Watson | Golden Arches East | Food |
GOV 1780 |
| Bannock | Penguin Dictionary of Economics | Economics |