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Staff Recommendations

Carole H.'s Recommendations

Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer
by Tracy Kidder
Random House

Our Price: $16.00

Like John McPhee, Kidder can interest me regardless of his topic. Finally he has a subject whose importance matches his considerable talents: Dr. Paul Farmer, infectious-disease expert, anthropologist, winner of a MacArthur grant, founder of Partners in Health, brilliant and tireless worker in brining health care to the world's poorest people. Farmer understands the political economy of disease and poverty, he believes that radical change is possible and he has proved it with his work in Haiti. The story is fascinating -- awe-inspiring, engrossing, funny and yet deadly serious.

by Allegra Goodman
Dial Press

Our Price: $25.00

This is a compelling story of a group of biomedical researchers dealing with the frustrations of difficult experiments and funding, the exhilaration of discovery, the trauma of possible scientific fraud. Goodman's insights into the complexity of her character's personal and scientific lives--their ambition, their loves, their fallibility and weaknesses, their triumphs, their basic humanity--are dazzling. She's written a novel we can treasure.

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